Monday, July 13, 2009

Civil Rights and Marriage Equality

We interviewed the Rev. Sekou this morning on our radio programme, More Talk Radio on KBOO. We took as our launching pad for discussion his recent article in Killing the Buddha about the current marriage equality debate and how black Americans are engaged in these discussions. I will post the link to our radio interview when we put in on our site. In the meantime, you may be interested in reading the following article by Melissa Harris-Lacewell in the Nation that addresses some of the same issues. Ms. Harris-Lacewell examines SCLC (are they still around?) and the marriage issue.
Coincidentally, the national NAACP is also undergoing an internal debate on this issue. A recent CNN interview with the head of the NAACP makes clear that this historic civil rights organization has a long way to go to regain its moral vision and voice.
Where is the clear moral voice these days?
There is much to be done if the organizations seek to walk in the steps of people such as Bayard Rustin.

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